Thursday, August 3, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Arlatax Battle-Automata Maniple

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are kinda average. 

Prone to malifica more than other robots, the Arlatax was produced in significant numbers by Xana and other Forge Worlds. They are in essence shock assault troops with excellent specs, but widely distrusted by many a Mechanicum force. 

The Utan jump booster provides the Arlatax with the means to get where it needs to be quickly. Combine this with the very healthy stat line and you have a recipe for a hard hitting assault unit. The plasma cannon is an excellent addition here and the hammer of wrath only adds to this.  

I would strongly consider applying Paragon of Metal to this unit. The points cost overall is worth it for this unit (Paragon of Metal or not).

The lack of ultimately reliable AP=2 is an issue here, and they remain on a 3+ save. The latter is offset nicely by T=6 though - these robots will stick around.

Arlatax, 1 Arc Scourge, Paragon of Metal (205 points).
A bit nasty to say the least! You didn't want friends, right? 
Of course, if you drop the Paragon of Metal and Arc Scourge, and add another model or two, they're still going to be effective, but not quite outstanding. 

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