Monday, July 31, 2023

Hours Heresy 2e Review: Triaros Armoured Conveyor

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good. 

The secrets of this armoured transport are guarded well by the Mechanicum. So well, in fact, that not even the space marine legions have access to the arcana that gave them birth. They serve many roles from hermetically sealed environments, through to ramming, and being able to transport a large number of troops.

This is not a rhino.

With AV=14 on the front, glare shields, and a whopping capacity of 22, this is a transport tank with a kick. Combine together a bunch of these and you have one hell of a spear tip to get your troops where they are needed.

AV=12 on the sides and rear is a slight issue, so consider the ways in which you are going to position your transports for maximal effect. 

There are no particular builds to consider here given that there is a flat cost and only one optional upgrade: hunter-killer missiles. The choice to take these missiles is a personal one depending on how you've constructed the rest of your army. Given they are cheap anyway, and the tank is expensive and well defended, the missiles can readily be taken as a bit of extra fire power!

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