Monday, August 14, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Thanatar Siege-Automata Maniple

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are great!

More a mobile artillery platform than an actual combat unit, the Thanatar is a force to be reckoned with. Other than the plasma weapon originating on Ryza, little more is generally known about their backgrounds save rumours about where the Calix variant hailed from (within the sects of the mechanicum itself).

Wow. This beast has an amazing stat line. S=T=8 and 7 wounds with a 2+ save and an atomantic deflector mean that it is going nowhere very soon. Oh, and it can move 8 per turn as well which is impressive. 

The Cavas variant sports the plasma mortar and twin shock chargers. These are just about okay to my mind - especially if you like pie plates of plasma landing in the midst of your enemy.

The Calix has the impressive Sollex heavy las that comes with armour bane and S=10. And then there's a graviton ram for close combat. This beast is where things are at for me: a true anti-armour platform. 

It does cost a fair amount of points, but given the weapons, I suspect that the points cost investment can be made back reasonably well by the Calix variant (the AP3 on the Cavas in close combat is such a shame). 

1 Thanatar Calix (255 points).
The Calix is my favoured variant here but only one can be upgraded per maniple which is why I've only got one in this squad. The only other choice here is paragon of metal, which I think is viable, but others in the army can benefit from it as well, so it just depends on what you're building I think. 

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