Friday, August 18, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Myrmidon Destructor Host

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are great!

A sub-sect of the Myrmidons that are dedicated to heavy weapons and the rendering of vehicles and buildings to slag. They were heavily used on both sides of the war, and even by some who would seek to avoid joining either (cross ref: Anvilus). 

The stat line is great with an important BS=5 for shooting purposes which is exactly what you want for a unit of heavy support monsters. Combined with T=5 and W=4, they are going to stick around for a while, so its worth making the best of them and their long range shooting abilities. 

The 3+ armour save isn't the best considering the points cost, although they do have refractor fields as standard. 

3 Destructors, all with Darkfire Cannons (205 points).
Pretty much the standard configuration here since the darkfire cannons provide a solid AP=2 at heavy 2 and lance with blind. These are great for your long range anti-light tank purposes and provide a good option against terminators given the S=7. Add in more destructors to taste and as your point cost permits.

3 Destructors, all with Conversion Beamers (185 points).
I don't know why people don't like the conversion beamers. Sure, you have to operate at long range. But you were going to do this anyway with this unit. So take advantage of this, and the points cost that is lower than the darkfire cannons. Juicy S=10 and AP=1 makes a deadly force against anything in the game at the longest range.

The other weapons are very build dependent: graviton imploders might be nice at short range, and the irradiation engine is ultimately an odd pick. I don't see players using either. The above 2 builds are superior over even the baseline volkites, so might as well use them.

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