Monday, August 21, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Karacnos Assault Tank

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are great!

Designed to scour the area ahead of organic life, the Karacnos is basically a Geneva Convention violating assault tank. Once the path is cleared, the Mechanicum will eventually come back to sweep up the remains. 

The main weapon here is just insanity made real and well able to chew through almost any infantry in the game. With no less than a 7 inch pie plate, it is also radiological, shell shocks, crawls, and barrages. Among the other no less impressive rules and a whopping 60inch range. 

Armour of 14 on the front is similarly impressive combined with 5 hull points. 

Rear and side armour of 12 are not that impressive, but with barrage and the 60inch range, you can just relax and shoot that pie plate most of the game long. If bothered, the lightning locks and shock ram help in a tight spot. 

There is only one upgrade option: hunter killer missiles. These are probably not the best option for the tank, but you might like them depending on what else is in your army. Overall then, this unit is worth the points cost so long as you treat it well and try not to make it a bigger target than it already is through tactical positioning. 

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