Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Cybertheurgy

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are average, with some notable powers and some distinctly less so.

Cybertheurgy is much like psychic powers, but they don't come from the warp. Instead, the Mechanicum have ways to talking to machines and getting them to do what they want. They risk feedback loops though - which makes them exactly like perils of the warp in functional terms - but they're not effected by any psychic modifiers. 

Artificia Machina.
Gives you battlesmithing powers at 12 inches which can be very nice. There is a ranged attack here at a similar range that has AP1 and haywire which will certainly work a treat against may vehicles, but there are probably better ways of breaking open tanks.

Artificia Cybernetica.
At the top of my recommendation pile, this discipline allows you to over-ride the usual robotic restrictions and allows you to have reactions by your robots! Yay! The 12 inch range shooting attack is also deadline at S=10 and AP=1. Hence highly recommended.

Ephemera Incursus. 
The ability to control enemy vehicles at 12inch range is an entertaining one and can be game changing in the right circumstances. The ranged weapon is a bit poor at S=3 and assault 6 with zero AP and some odd associated rules. A fluffy choice perhaps, but weak.

Ephemera Lacyraemarta.
This one lets you move your stuff in your shooting phase and gain hammer of wrath and other rules which are cute, but hardly amazing. The weapon here is a close combat boon which is very good though. You really need a close combat army to choose this discipline.

Artificia Reductor. 
Crack open a transport and force its contents to disembark and take a pinning test! Utterly glorious and a complete pain to your enemies. Top marks from me just for the sheer Alpha Legion level of shenanigans it can cause. The weapon here is a close combat one with S=10, AP=1 and nice rules like armourbane and exoshock which will give many opponents pause for thought. 

I like both reductor and cybernetica a whole lot. Lacyraemarta is okay, machina is similarly fine overall but is rivaled by other parts of the army, and incursus won't be popular outside fluffy lists. 

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