Saturday, June 17, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Archmagos Prime

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. The rules deliver flexibility like a legion praetor and you will want one of these in your army in all probability!

These unique individual are the high adepts of the machine cult of the Omnissiah. They have likely upgraded themselves for the purpose of war and might have gone as far as placing their remaining organic components inside the equivalent of a dreadnought. Armed and armoured with the best Forge World available kit, they are a force to be reckoned with.

The stat line is reasonable, with mostly 5's and 3 wounds. The basline weapons are nothing special with a power weapon and volkite serpenta. Where the character starts to shine is in the special rules department with battlesmith at 4+ and firing protocols 3 to mention but two immediate boons. Of course you also get your choice of a high order, along with one of three cybertheurgist disciplines. Finally the customization ability here is great and this is fundamentally the greatest thing about the unit.

The WS=4 in the stat line will hurt if you are thinking of constructing a close combat monster. Malagra will make up for this if taken though (and this is recommended). 

Of course, the archmagos is not the same as a space marine Preator, but it has much of the same feel to it in the sense of customization. 

Archmagos (Malagra, Artificia Cybernetica), rad grenades, master crafted paragon blade (185 points). 
A straight forward close combat fighter. Reductor is also a reasonable choice here.

Archmagos (Macrotek, Artificia Cybernetica), augury scanner, master crafted conversion beamer (190 points).
Move buildings around to create a line of fire, then shoot from great range. 

Archmagos (Cyber all round), melta bombs, chain fist, Incunabulan jet pack, cyber familiar, rad furnace (235 points).
A bit of a maximally upgraded archmagos. Getting expensive here. Jump around the place and blast things or bash them up in melee. Your choice. 


  1. My evolving Alpha Legion plan has been to load up on units that you can't shoot for a turn (Inductii/Saboteur/Callidus) alongside units I get points if you shoot (Mobius Config allies) then plop a Forge Lord & a unit of Thallax in my backline to keep infiltrators at bay while I set up difficult terrain speedbumps in lines of advance with grav, phosphex & Deathstorm pods to take advantage of the 2" farther away Legion Trait but I've started considering dropping Mobius & taking Mechanicum allies. A Magos Prime of the Macrotek order would mean I can go further & move buildings around to really set the stage.

  2. A Macrotek archmagos can be totally brilliant for this!
    Just make sure you have line of sight blocking buildings though ;)
