Monday, June 12, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: The Orders of High Techno-Arcana

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded up. Several excellent choices here, but also a couple that are far less than stellar to balance it up. All are useful in the right circumstances though and most can be useful. 

Each arch-magos can take one of the orders of high techno-arcana. This choice is one that has the potential to be army defining, but some of these choices are certainly better than others. 

The ability to take an allied detachment is thanks to the Bonds of Vassalage that this arch-magos has - he is a ruler of worlds after all. He also gains an additional cybertheurgic arcana which is nice and grants battlesmiths two extra abilities: share his BS or gain power of the machine spirit. Both are useful although can be situational.

Gaining Line is a massive boon for your castellax. They also reduce the cover save of targets by -2 which is impressive. The preservation protocols yield Patris Cybernetica along with the ability to ignore precision shots which is very nice indeed. A solid choice for the robot lovers among you.

No one can spell it, but it reduces the effects of rending, poison, and fleshbane which is cute. The Opus Viscera helps battlesmiths restore lost wounds or move faster, while granting the Ephemara Arcana. Not a stand out choice to my eyes to be honest. 

Tech priest auzilia as troops but they choose the enginseer arcana. Most amazingly they can MOVE terrain before the game commences. Wow. This is such a unique effect and is very game defining which is why I regard this choice as one of the most powerful possible. They also get to repair buildings and reduce the effects of breaching, exoshock and rending. 

Get a data spike for minor points. Tech priests as well and with a scouting bonus. Take up to two additional arcuitors for a good points cost here and you have a merry band of assassins under your control. Preferred enemy, monster hunter, and precision strikes are a great bonus, but the icing on the cake is WS=5. Strong with the right build, but won't suit every army.

Secutors as troops, destructors as elites. A Thanatar as a HQ to boot with W+1 and bonus combat resolution. The arch magos himself gains hatred of everything along with bulky and more wounds. Entertaining for sure, but middle of the road otherwise.

The ability to do a lot of damaging things to buildings and vehicles (including dreadnoughts) is excellent. The ability to reduce the effects of cover from buildings is amazing though and turns them difficult and dangerous. This is a strong trait overall!

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