Monday, April 17, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Glaive

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. I do like the Glaive, but I just think there's better options for the points cost - I can't really move past the points cost as a reason NOT TO take it. 

The Glaive (a.k.a. Fellglaive) mounts a primary volkite carronade which costs a lot in terms of resources according to the background, but is totally justified against certain xenos that the Great Crusade needed to vanquish. It found use in all legions, but perhaps never in great numbers. 

The Volkite Carronade is the main strength here, as it is a heavy beam weapon with all the usual volkite trouble that comes with that word at a reasonable strength but AP=3. As well, there's also the sponsons which can be las cannons of various kinds, the option for double pintle mounted weapons and all on board the fellblade chassis which although not a spartan, is very reasonable.

Very expensive. Vulnerable from the rear which makes it a sitting duck for speedy tank killer units, but it does have 12 hull points I guess. Not for me ultimately as I think the points are better spent elsewhere, but it will work wonders against certain armies (hordes, imperial army / cults, and mechanicum)

Glaive, Las Cannon Sponsons, 2 Pintle Multi Meltas (740 points)
I wouldn't pay the points for this as there are better options, but there's no denying that the heavy beam volkite can be impressive situationally. 

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