Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hobby: Iron Warriors Legion Reaper Autocannon Terminator

While I am still enjoying a bit of a break, here's yet another conversion that I undertook and painted up. This one is a reaper autocannon terminator for the Iron Warriors. I have taken the reaper autocannon from the older chaos space marine terminator set. It is not a fit by any means, so it had to be extensively filed down and even some green stuff used to paper over the cracks between each of the parts. Can't recommend doing this conversion unless you are like me and really keen for the aesthetic.

So why this particular look then? Well, as with some of my Alpha Legion forces, I wanted to have a few marines in the Iron Warriors force that resemble or give a hint at what they might ultimately become. This particular marine is obviously not there yet, but perhaps heralds what might come. The chain fist on the left arm is to go with the rest of the squad which is dedicated to dreadnought hunting (or similar). The painting scheme follows my now standard approach for this army of using lead belcher as the base and working up from there with different silvers. This particular marine does have a few more hazard stripes than the standard marine, but that's fine. Back to regular posts next week - promise!

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