Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Fellblade

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars, rounded down. Little not to like about a 100 inch range weapon you can sit at the backfield all day long. 

A variant of the Baneblade that in this edition comes with the Imperial Army rather than the legions, the Fellblade features an advanced accelerator cannon. This in turn was only possible due to the Crusade that conquered new planets for the Emperor and returned such technologies back to the hands of Terra and humanity more widely. 

Let's just take a moment to think about what a 100 inch range is. If a usual play table is 6ft by 4ft, it can reach everywhere. Of course, such a range is better suited to Apocalypse style battles, and no one would deny that. With some massive blasts and AP3 at S=8, the HE shells are marine killers. With the AE shells, we get S=10 at AP2 which is even better, but a smaller blast and meant more for armour destruction. Both are viable and when on target will be devastating. The demolisher cannon on the front feels like an afterthought, but is no less viable. The lascannon arrays are great sponsons, and the front mounted heavy bolter just not needed, but hey, why not. 

Cheaper than the Glaive, but it shares that same vulnerability in terms of rear armour. However, it doesn't have to get close. In fact, you could park it at the back of the field in a corner quite happily for most of the game and not take too many risks potentially if you can figure out lines of sight. Worth the points, and I like it. 

Fellblade, Las Cannon Array Sponsons (650 points)
This is the naked version. The pintle weapons are not quite worth it, but if I were taking them, then the multi meltas and the havoc launchers would be near the top of the list to complement the range of the demolisher cannon a little bit. 

1 comment:

  1. deffo agree with this rating, given the stats of the fellblade.

    I'd be tempted (in larger games) to be far more aggressive, use it as a line-breaker flanked by Land Raiders / Spartans with Rhinos following on behind.
