Saturday, November 26, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Praetorian Breacher Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are slightly above average, but they compete against other more valuable uses of the elites slot.

Before admission to the Invictarus Suzerain squads, Ultramarines typically rise through the ranks of the Praetorian Breacher squads to hone their skills a bit. 

Very much like regular breacher squads with the exceptions of increased WS, 2 wounds, and power swords instead of ranged weapons. They are also chosen warriors and carry a handy hammer of wrath. 

Given that this squad is also an elites choice, it competes directly against the Invictarus Suzerains for a slot in the force organisation chart. The Invictarus Suzerains will win this comfortably. As I suspect other terminators (etc) would. If they were troops, I think we'd be seeing a lot more of them to be candid. To give them legatine axes makes their points cost more than the Invictarus Suzerains in fact. Nice for hammer of wrath potentially I guess. 

5 Praetorians, Primus with Power Fist (150 points).
The baseline. Nice for boarding actions / Zone Mortalis. Need a transport otherwise.

10 Praetorians, 5 with legatine axes, nuncio vox, legion vexilla, primus with power fist and artificer armour (340points).
A flexible squad who uses the baseline marines as ablative wounds where necessary. Again, good for Zone Mortalis, but I would honestly be looking to take Invictarus Suzerains instead. 

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