Friday, November 25, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Invictarus Suzerain Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. The rules are very good! Almost overpowered if anything. 

These are the Lords of Ultramar and destined for higher things. They are the elite and marked for command in the future. For the moment though, they are learning everything they can about warfare from multiple angles, but mostly chopping with axes, shielding, and otherwise glittering in starlight as their armour inspires all around. 

In some ways, it is simple to think about these marines as being pseudo-terminators. Its all there: bonus WS, 2 wounds each, as well as a 2+ save and a boarding shield to give an invulnerable save. The 3 attacks baseline is amazing though. 

Beyond this, they give out a bubble of increased Ld to other friendly units (NB: not just Ultramarines!!) and can be a retinue squad with access to a legion standard. And they also have Line! They're an amazing squad really. 

They are not quite Fire Drake Terminators, but they are very impressive and come recommended. Think about taking a transport option though as movement is always going to be required. I doubt you will see many Ultramarine builds without this squad in some form or other. 

5 Suzerains (175 points).
Take the "naked" squad. It is well worth it! I'm a bit mixed on whether to take the plasma pistols. The thunder hammers are great though. 

10 Suzerains, all with thunder hammers and plasma pistols (525 points).
The maximum squad! The thunder hammers can prove amazing for this squad. The plasma pistols can soften up targets and light tanks readily. In fact, I'd go as far as saying there's not much in the game that such a squad couldn't handle on a good day and with a charge. Add in the Ultramarines rite of war and you will have a good time I suspect; albeit at the price of not making many friends. 

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