Sunday, November 27, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Remus Ventanus

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, rounded up. The rules are fractionally below average.

The hero of Calth and its saviour, Remus was the commander of the 4th company of the 1st chapter of the Ultramarines. He not only rallied the remains of the legion on Calth but also evacuated as many as possible, including civilians whom ultimately entered the underground arcologies. 

As a praetor level character, Remus Ventanus has a stat line that is slightly lower than a standard praetor. He comes with a warlord trait that allows automatic passing of morale and Ld checks required when in the presence of an objective. This is fine, but not every game is objective based. He sports a rending power sword as well as a variety of special rules such as Adamantium Will along with equipment such as a legion standard (very handy!) and a nuncio vox. 

The lower WS than the standard praetor will hurt in the long term. This is a mildly sub-standard HQ selection that tries to make up for it with some nice equipment and special rules. I do like the adamantium will rule here. But he still falls short for me personally.

Difference to First Edition.
Nerfed. I cannot understand why. 

Take a regular praetor instead unless you are intent on modelling a force for the Battle for Calth. 

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