Sunday, October 9, 2022

Painted Alpha Legion Exodus Conversion

Today has been a bit of a painting day. Among other things, I managed to get my Exodus conversion painted up entirely. 

The painting scheme is a new one for me and follows the Games Workshop approach for painting Alpha Legion which I thought was worth a try. Under coat is lead belcher followed by iron breaker and then the critical ingredient of contrast Akhelian Green to create the classic metallic blue colour. The cape was done in browns, ambers, reds, and oranges to create a camouflage style unique to the miniature. 

Rounding off the model is a gritted base covered with a dry brush of bone colour which I intentionally extended to the legs and the low regions of the blown cape to bring everything together. A pair of decals from the Alpha Legion decal range finishes off the right knee pad as well as the left shoulder pad. Overall, I think this is okay for a bit of a speed paint, but if I had more time, I'd go back and apply some more edge highlighting - most especially to the rear of the back pack which at the moment is somewhat muted compared to the rest of the model. Table top ready though!


  1. Looking great! Not sure if your intention with the Drukhari bits was for them to just represent weird archeotech or something, or for the gun to actually incorporate Xenos tech. It's a great look either way, but I do have to say, I kind of love the idea of the Alphas being willing to use Xenos tech for something covert like this, where they likely wouldn't get caught.

  2. I took inspiration from Alpharius himself for much of the vibe and feel of my Alpha Legion forces. The Primarch wields what is likely to be a necron weapon. Therefore if xenos technology is good enough for him, then my argument would be it is also good enough for the legion more widely. For this reason, I have incorporated necron snipers in my sniper squad, and here I really like having the hints of dark eldar technology being used as well. The head canon is that they get away with it since they leave none alive as witnesses.

  3. Excellent! Yeah, that all fits pretty well with my own conception of the Alpha Legion. Love to see it!
