Monday, October 10, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: The Angel's Tears

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good.

Some legions avoid destroyer squads altogether (e.g., Salamanders). Other embrace them (e.g., Death Guard). Many see them as a necessary evil, while others have their own take on the unit. The Blood Angels come under that final category and the Angel's Tears are only used at Sanguinius' behest when utter annihilation is called for. 

Essentially these squads are much like destroyer assault squads but with two volkite serpentas and chainswords as their baseline. As with that squad, they come with counter attack, stubborn, and bitter duty. 

The question can be asked about how they truly differ then from the destroyer assault squad. Part of the answer is improved Ld, the other part is some different load outs that they can take. Most obviously, the Angel's Tears Grenade Launcher with is assault 3 with rad phage and flesh bane. Nasty. More over, every model can take this upgrade (or other upgrades) which serves to add to the customisation possible. 

I rather like this squad, and for what it does, it is worth taking instead of regular destroyer assault squads in my opinion. That extra pip in Ld is very valuable. The only real draw back is lack of access to phosphex. Shrug?

Difference to First Edition.
Roughly neutral, but the points cost is somewhat increased for smaller sized units.

5 Erelim, Arch-Erelim with artificer armour and thunder hammer (185 points). 
The baseline entry. 

5 Erelim, Arch-Erelim with inferno pistol, artificer armour, thunder hammer, 2 heavy flamers, 2 assault cannons, melta bombs all round (245 points). 
For taking out transports and their content. Note the use of the inferno pistol here. 

10 Erelim, Arch-Erelim with artificer armour and perdition weapon, all with heavy flamers (325 points). 
The anti-horde build. It won't make you many friends, but it is very nice. 

10 Erelim, Arch-Erelim with artificer armour, all with Iliastus pattern assault cannons (360 points). 
Dakka till you drop. Again, you are not making any friends here. 

10 Erelim, Arch-Erelim with artificer armour and power fist, all with Angel's Tears grenade launchers (380 points). 
I really like this build as well. Might get you slightly more friends for being fluffy, but don't count on it. 

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