Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Horus Heresy Review: Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good.

Contemptor dreadnoughts with jump packs specially manufactured by the Mechanicum on Baal's first moon under the treaty of Anvillus. Being blunt: some dreadnoughts have jump packs - get over it. 

Its a contemptor. With a jump pack. Okay, I acknowledge that I already wrote that in the background, but its also a massive strength too. No harm in repeating it here then! 

The jump pack can function either as a deep strike, or can be used to make a shock attack which grants a movement increase along with hammer of wrath (2) which is splendid. Neither of these modes are game breaking, but they are very powerful. Considering the cost of a dreadnought drop pod, the price paid for this contemptor is well worth it in my opinion. 

Finally, the Brutal (2) rule on the talons of perdition makes this monster powerful - especially with shred. But the temptation will be to replace them with Gravis power fists for Brutal (3) and more strength instead. I could go either way on this choice. The melta and assault cannon upgrades are entertaining enough to consider. 

Rules as written: I cannot make up my mind whether one gravis power fist and one talon of perdition is permitted? Thoughts welcome.

Difference to First Edition.

Incaendius with 1 of each Talon of Perdition and Gravis Powerfist, 1 melta gun (210 points).
All round build. I prefer the melta over the assault cannon simply due to the fact that this should be a close range dreadnought threat rather than a longer range dakka threat. 


  1. I'd say it is not permitted to have one fist and one talon because the entry says "replace both of its Talons..." even thou a mix of the two weapons would be great.
    Considering this I'd go with fists since they are way more threatening for vehicles (S9) and to terminators (Instant Death)

  2. I agree about the double Gravis edging out the talons. I think I'm in agreement that one of each is not permitted as well since writing the article.
