Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Dominion Zephon

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars - rounded down. The rules are good enough.

With his career in the Blood Angels cut short thanks to a Xenos blade, Zephon was sent to Terra as one of the Crusader Host. His new bionic limbs didn't integrate with his remaining flesh initially. Until Land himself too an interest in Zephon. Land fixed up his bionics just in time for the siege of Terra where he rejoined his legion whole heartedly.

Master of the Legion with an ability to come back from the dead once per game based on a die roll. Not bad really. More than this, he can choose a Legion Destroyer Squad as his retinue. This is fine, but not outstanding. 

I like the S+1 and AP2 sword that he wields which in conjunction with his rad grenades spells trouble for his opponents. The pistols are fine with a nice 6 shot deflagrate.

I don't know folks. I want to like him, I really do. I just think other HQ selections are better. Sorry. 

I think he would be great in smaller points value games where he is leading close combat armies backed up with destroyers and Angel's Tears. Honestly, he's actually a quality choice for the Blood Angels player, and I personally speaking don't like facing off to him. Otherwise I suspect at regular points values and higher games other HQ choices are more attractive (Raldoron coming soon...!). 

Difference to First Edition.


  1. Actually I value him far more after your review due to one reason: I didn't notice before the rad grenades!! I would say that he's almost Eidolon-good with rad grenades because, on the charge, he's gonna smash with S6 (4+sword+furious charge) against a generalist T4-1, scaring loads of enemy characters or units!! For sure his warlord trait is lacking but if someone receive his charge without Holding the Line he's in for a lot of pain!!

  2. I will freely admit I don't like playing against Dominion. That said, he's a prime target for snipers out in the open (which is how I usually handle him). I still see Raldoron as more dangerous though in 2nd edition.

    1. Your last sentence is very true indeed, I see Zephon more as a glorified Legion Champion (actually glorified to an impressive level I must say)

  3. He seems to synergize with the Ofanim Court it seems!
