Saturday, September 3, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Qin Xa

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. A strong terminator praetor level character. 

Qin Xa was a supreme warrior who fought alongside the Khan on Chogoris even before becoming a space marine. Pure fury combined with a keen intellect; if he were in another legion, his legend would be more widely known, but here in the White Scars, he is an excellent commander.

Strictly better than a regular praetor, Qin Xa has a bunch of special rules including furious charge, counter attack and relentless which make him stand out as a great commander for when you are not taking the Khan himself. His weapons are strong too: both blade options (The Tails of the Dragon) are at AP2 and grant a valuable strength increase.

As previous from First Edition, his warlord trait enables the player to bring in a unit from reserves automatically (no reserves rolling). This can be very good for a deep striking style of army. Beyond that, Qin Xa is very good in melee and can rip through enemy terminator squads given the opportunity. The bonus assault phase reaction is good too.

He takes to the battlefield in terminator (Tartaros) armour. Therefore he might not be the most appropriate HQ for some White Scars play style, but this is fitting given that he is basically the lord of the Keshig and he is entitled to take a terminator bodyguard when he goes to war. This unit can even take power glaives for a cost. There are no real weaknesses here other than considering what play style is important.

Difference to First Edition.

An excellent HQ choice, but keep in mind what kind of army you want to build and also note that Qin Xa is a Loyalist only. 

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