Friday, September 2, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Kyzagan Assault Speeder Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. I like this unit more than I should.

This is the White Scars solution to ensuring heavy weapons keep up with the rest of the legion! Essentially it is a flying anti grav platform form those heavy weapons to fly to where they are needed and do some shooting with. They should be played like that accordingly.

With a 15 inch movement combined with two reaper autocannons and one Kheres assault cannon, these speeders can readily pump out a good amount of fire power. They have the mandatory hit and run to escape problem situations along with deep strike, firing protocols, and some further special rules to keep them going.

Difference to First Edition.
This vehicle has lost its armour values and instead have a T=7 value along with 4 wounds. This will keep them going for a while, but they are no longer as tough as they potentially once were and I'd be concerned about seeing massed reaper autocannons targeting them more than I previously once was. Especially in the hands of certain other legions.

With the heavy rule, they can't get access to shrouded sadly. See also my note above about the difference to first edition.

There are no massively unit altering upgrades to discuss here other than adding in more speeders (which comes suggested), and adding on hunter killer missiles (I'm on the fence about these - take to taste). I still like this unit a lot, but I think it got just a fraction more vulnerable in this edition. You will still see it when playing for or against mounted White Scars armies though, no question. 

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