Thursday, September 1, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Ebon Keshig Cohort

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded up. The rules are good.

Exiled and seeking atonement through an honourable death, or by surviving and returning to their original roles, these terminators are essentially a vanguard for the White Scars, or at best ablative wounds screening units. 

As tartaros terminators, they can take advantage of the quick moving systems of the armour and also make sweeps which is good. Coming as standard with power glaives is nice enough, but I would suggest that some should be upgraded to power fists and combi-bolters to be honest. Stubborn and feel no pain is great to have though, as are the 3 attacks base all round. 

Important to note here that enemies don't score points for killing them. Plus the rule of cool applies: the miniatures look excellent. 

They could really do with the power fist upgrades for the AP=2. The Karash special rule meanwhile merits a mention here as this is a unit that cannot be joined by others without the rule. Still, this gels well with the rite of war and represents a fluffy way to play White Scars when needed. The lack of transportation is a big issue here potentially though. They are not cheap either and there's a mild argument that regular Tartaros terminators do the job better and cheaper? (Jury is out for me on that). 

Difference to First Edition.

5 Kharash, 2 with power fists and combi-bolters, vexilla, grenade harness (250 points).
A basline entry unit. But note that points cost. Ouch.

10 Kharash, 5 with power fists and volkite chargers, vexilla, grenade harness (505 points).
Getting in to the regime of the price not being worth paying here, but there's something to be said for this kind of fast moving, charging, and shooting unit I think.

1 comment:

  1. I wish, that instead of the Ebon Keshia, Forgewold and GW had come up with Terminators riding on massive jet bikes, that would have made the white scars variant very unique compared to the other legions.
