Sunday, September 4, 2022

Cataphractii Terminator Thunder Hammer Conversion

For the Cataphractii terminator squad(s) from the new boxed set, I knew I wanted two of them to be armed with thunder hammers. However, I did not go as far as ordering the accessories for the terminators. The reason for this was that I knew that I had some left over bits from classic thunder hammer and storm shield assault squad terminators sat in my bits box. So an experiment ensued and it was hobby time once more!

The conversion works by taking the regular left hand of the terminator's power sword and slicing every scrap of the sword away from the hand. For the thunder hammer, it is a bit of a harder job since the fist is intertwined with the cable that runs around it and up the arm. Several careful incisions with the scalpel is required to detach this. What I found from doing this is that the fist of the Cataphractii terminator is slightly larger than the fist from the classic terminators. Hence the length of the hammer needed to be trimmed down ever so slightly to accommodate the Cataphractii's larger fist. Happily this makes for a snug fit and no need for any pinning to take place. The above picture shows the outcome - and it is one that I am very happy with. A bit of green stuff rounds out the conversion where required. 

A close up of the other side of the conversion can be seen above. The alignment of the handle of the hammer is basically perfect with no warping present whatsoever. The fist's girth is also ideal for the hammer's handle's size as well, hence this looks very much spot on for the conversion. More than this, the thunder hammer simply looks more brutal than the regular Cataphractii hammers and I am pleased with this outcome. 

I've decided to delay painting a little while until I have chosen the legion for the new boxed set, but I've narrowed it down to several now! 


  1. Perfect fit for certain. Looks spot on.

  2. Nice and snug for sure! I love it when things work out this well :)
