Sunday, August 21, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Kharn the Bloody

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good and come very much recommended.

Of all the World Eaters, Kharn stands out as the one whom Angron grew to trust (or at least not kill on first sight) and would eventually start to trust his counsel. Of course, Kharn also had a dark destiny ahead of him, but during the Heresy we find him as a line captain who become Angron's equerry. 

Most notably here, Kharn is not yet a ravening mad man. He still has his wits about him somewhat and is much easier to control and use than some of the 40k editions that he appears in will be. 

Kharn possesses a bunch of nice rules such as precision strikes and rampage along with a solid set of equipment (like an iron halo and artificer armour) and a stat line that is fractionally better than a regular praetor (especially the in the WS department). 

I like the fact that he can take Gore child for a modest points cost increase if Angron isn't around and this should be seriously considered if the points cost allows.

Finally the warlord trait is entertaining. He cannot be charged by a reaction unless it is a primarch making such a reaction. This is very good indeed and as far as I can tell fairly unique in the game (need to read through some other entries again to double check that statement). The bonus movement reaction is great for the army overall. 

Relatively none, unless you wanted to take him in a Loyalist faction! If you're wanting a praetor and you can afford to invest the points, then Kharn is worth it.

Difference to First Edition.
As with many World Eater units, I have been hesitant to draw differences due to the large span of time since Betrayal was released. Many things here remain similar, but there are changes, and those changes are generally good and in a positive direction. 

Kharn is well worth the points (and absolutely in comparison to a plainer praetor) and can readily chop up many enemy infantry. He doesn't strictly need gore child, but it absolutely is recommended. Not only this, he is a totally fluffy choice for the World Eaters. I strongly recommend him as the HQ if Angron is nowhere to be seen. 

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