Monday, August 22, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Damocles Command Rhino

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, rounding up this time. The rules are fine, but the points cost is potentially very steep for what it does in comparison to how vulnerable it is. That trade off make me dubious of rounding up.

The command and control rhino for the legion when deployed on the ground. The rhino comes equipped with powerful orbital communications arrays and originated with the Ultramarines legion to supplant the Land Raider Proteus Explorator. However, being a rhino, it is nowhere near as durable as the elder Land Raider. 

One extra pip on the rear armour combined with more upgrades than the standard rhino (such as a geo-locator beacon which allows reserves re-rolls) and the command vox relay (use a character's onboard Ld value within a certain bubble range) make this a solid choice for armies which may rely on deep striking. Indeed, for this reason alone the points cost might (and I strongly emphasize "might" since I'm torn about it) be worth it for certain builds.

Its a rhino. It carries a reduced capacity compared to a regular variant. It has 3 hull points. It is going to die easily unless you hide it for turn 1 and 2 when that geo-locator might be most needed. The vox disruptor upgrade also seems at odds with what the unit is trying to do and to be honest a consul might be a better choice if you want a vox disruptor on the board?

The only question here is whether the points cost of the rhino is actually worth it. I'm torn on this. Genuinely.

Damocles with havoc launcher (165 points).
Just the one build I want to share here. I see this as a mainly static vehicle to keep to the backlines and take pot shots once deep striking is done. Look at the points cost for this vehicle closely. Are you sure its worth it? You'd better be building an army around deep striking. 

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