Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 5/5

The final member of the breacher squad is this un-helmeted battle brother. 

The bit that I am most proud of here was the experimental stubble on both the top of the head and beard. I've not used this particular formulation before, so this was in many ways a new trial piece for me. To create the stubble, I've mixed grey with the same skin pigment I've used for the flesh to create a subtle off-tone that is suggestive of "five o'clock shadow" for the marine. This has been accentuated through the use of painting male pattern balding. Do space marines go bald and suffer from recessive hair lines? I really don't know and don't much care for the answer -- this guy does, and he looks more authentic because of it. 

Beyond this, the marine follows the patterns laid down in the previous Iron Hands painting scheme replete with sand and mud splattered up the legs. Hope that you've like this series; I have more Iron Hands incoming in the weeks ahead.

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