Thursday, September 24, 2020

Horus Heresy Review: Inner Circle Knights Cenobium

Fighting at the forefront of their legion and bringing their specialist skills to bear, the Cenobites represent the hidden orders within the Dark Angels Legion that specialize in one certain type of warfare. They are presented as part of the secret Legion orders and masters of what they can do. I would contend the rules are reflective of this!

This is truly one of the excellent units in 30k. Not only from the point of view of what they can do (I can see Alpha Legion players probably wanting to have them with Coils of the Hydra! Actually, the Dark Angels have the feel of the Alpha Legion in some respects; just an opinion), but also from the point of view of the points value of this unit -- very finely balanced. 

Fundamentally they are terminators in cataphractii armour, with Terranic greatswords, and backed up with plasma-casters (that can overwatch too). Plonk them in a land raider, and go hammer opponents (literally). Coupled with Stubborn (at Ld=10), adamantium will, and your pick of special rules, these marines really are very good at what they do, and arguably among the better terminators that any legion has to offer. 

The plasma-caster has a range of "only" 12 inches. The terminators therefore need transport to have maximum effect. 

I have a pair of builds for readers to consider with this unit.

5 Knights: Preceptor with digital lasers and grenade harness; Hunters of Beasts (295 points).
This unit is for hunting the big enemies. Although the AP is only 3 for the Terranic Greatswords, the plasma-casters will whittle down the wounds before a charge takes place. Swap out one or two Greatswords for Thunder Hammers if you prefer. Consider purchasing Scion of the Firewing if your opponent's characters are also monstrous. Take land raider phobos to taste.

Swap out Hunters of Beasts for Breakers of Witches if your gaming friends play Daemons, Thousand Sons, or Word Bearers and apologize to them in advance for the sake of your friendship.

10 Knights: Preceptor with digital lasers, grenade launcher; Reapers of Hosts; take 4 Cenobites with Thunder Hammers instead of Terranic Greatswords (515 points).
A bit of a deathstar unit here. Take a land raider spartan and you're good to go. Scion of the Stormwing might be nice to have as well. 


  1. I'm torn over including these guys in my forthcoming DA army (still have to finish my IF legion first though). Yes they look cool but I'm not sure they're worth the points. Also I don't think they'd fit very well as I'm planning an army themed around the Ravenwing.

  2. For what its worth, I think they are worth their points.
    However, for a Raven Wing army, I'm not so sure either. In principle, if you are taking The Seeker's Arrow rite of war, you could give the unit "The Arrow Knows the Path" to outflank the unit, which could prove a good thing to do. But I suspect there are better ways to build a raven wing army(!)

  3. Yeah I'm thinking a large Outrider Squad, backed up by Scimitar Jebikes, Landspeeders, Sabre tanks (for the heaver stuff) with some vanilla tactical squads and mounted veterans to deal with close combat.

    I confess I haven't found the time to read Crusade yet so might tune the ideas depending on how it goes.
