Monday, September 21, 2020

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 4/5

This brother features a simple skull on his shield, potentially marking him out as being part of the overall command structure for a given encounter. 

What I am pleased with about this paint scheme is the eye lenses and red scope on the upper part of the shield (adjacent to the bolt gun barrel). They took a bit of a steady hand to get the upper dot in the correct place. Double so considering the nature of these recessed eye pieces -- this mark of armour is much harder than Corvus or other marks to get looking half right with the lenses. Part of me wants to just airbrush the eyes and be done with it, but I think a more muted approach is befitting for the Istvaan survivors to be honest.

I'm also pleased with how the base and weathering on the lower part of the miniature came out in the end. I was a bit concerned that I'd applied too much and it detracted from the other weathering applied, but it looks fine overall considering the balance. I may well add some further small details such as letting on to the shield at a later point, but for now am calling this one done. 

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