Saturday, September 12, 2020

Iron Hands Legion Breacher 1/5

Whilst I await delivery of Book 9: Crusade, I've finished up my painting and gluing together of the first of my Shattered Legions Breacher squad. This is an Iron Hands marine in full Breacher armour, and (unusually) featuring a flamer. 

I will be the first to admit that the graviton gun would be a stronger choice for a Breacher squad as it is one of the only squad choices that can reliably have access to such arcane technology.

There are a few reasons for selecting the flamer though. The narrative reason is that this squad is an Isstvan 5 survivor group, and they're using whatever they could scavenge from the battlefield. That, and they might, afterall, be under the temporary command of a Salamanders survivor. The second is that I wanted an anvil style unit that would simply sit on an objective and give pause for thought for any enemy wanting to capture it. The flamer does that very nicely. Then, for Zone Mortalis, I just like the idea of lighting up corridors with flames, rather than crumpling them with graviton weaponry and endangering the structural integrity of the hulk.

The painting here has been accomplished using my matt black formulation of Eshin Grey base layer followed by Nuln Oil and Black washes, Dawn Stone highlighting and lead belcher for the metallic parts greased up with yet more Nuln Oil. I intend to add a touch more final details here and there, but otherwise this one is done. 

The base and weathering is accomplished with my airbrush using two tones of earthy colours combined with some subtle darker lowlighting and smatterings of mud around the feet, shield, and legs. This is a marine that has been in the thick of it, got some damage, picked himself back up, re-armed himself, and carried on. 

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