Monday, September 14, 2020

Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade. Some Initial Impressions

I have my copy of Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade safely delivered! Happy Days!

In the weeks ahead, I will be undertaking the regular reviews of the units and rules contained inside this book as I have done so for the past 8 books. This will add to the growing, and possibly the most complete and comprehensive set of reviews available on the blogosphere for this series. Stay tuned for that.

My initial impressions of the book are positive. To be clear, Alan Bligh didn't write this, and whilst I'm drawn to make comparisons to the ones that he did scribe, this one stands up better than some others. The writing is excellent.

The Night Lords are, of course, repeated from earlier entries in this series, but have additions, much in the same way that the Word Bearers were added to when they faced off against the Ultramarines earlier in the series. But this book adds to their tales, not only in terms of units, but also background. 

The stars of the show are the Dark Angels, naturally. I haven't yet wrapped my mind around their rules, but I will do so soon -- they look suitably complex and complete from my early skim reads. The background contains some tasty treats such as the Rangdan Xenocides, but some readers will find the detail that is there paltry and incomplete though. I do like the sound of their actions in the early Thramas crusade though -- they pop back in to play at the Triplex, and unleash dread Silica Anima. Gulp.

I'd be happy to address any early questions if folks have any -- jot a comment or send me a message. I won't be reproducing the book or violating copyright though. Caveat Emptor. 


  1. I'm really glad to see you are still actively blogging. The 30kscene around me is slow, pre vivid. Your articles have been fun and educational as I've slowly tried to learn about 30k and plan out my da and nl forces. So glad that book 9 is finally out.

  2. Waiting for my copy. Favorite new unit or piece of lore?

  3. Hard to say. Unlike book 6, where my favorite part was the xana ii lore, the high points in 9 are all over. Love the fleshing out of both the DA and NL lore along withe the new RoWs. Now I finally feel like I have enough info to build out my remaining 1 BoP and 3 BaC boxes and place some fw orders for volkites, chainglaives, shoulders and such.

  4. For me, its the silica anima lore parts. But its a tough choice, I have to say!

  5. The new rules do seem cool, but I'm a bit concerned that the balance has gone a bit more than usual with regards to the dark angels stuff. In particular, the 12? 25 pt charachter buff options are just ridiculously overpriced, which is a shame. I'll probably let my opponents get it for 10pts. The buff to sevetar in particular is cool.

  6. The "Scions" rules are over-costed in the main part, but depending on the situation, could be fine.
    I agree that they should have been balanced such that "+1A = 10points", and taken from there. The blanket 25points is bad, and I feel sorry for Deathwing players.
