Thursday, September 10, 2020

Breacher Painting

Finally finished off the first example of a Breacher Squad marine for 30k from the Iron Hands legion. The marine, and his fellows, are to represent a Shattered Legions force from Isstvan 5 that are being hunted down by the traitor legions. As such, the marine is meant to be in a bit of a state of desperation, and as such I will be adding further battle damage detailing to the armour in due course. 

The base coat here was done in Eshin Grey and washed with Nuln Oil and a relatively watery black wash to give a matt black appearance over the wider areas of plate on the model. This was followed up with Dawn stone to highlight the black areas, and an application of lead belcher as the accent colour. The lead belcher was washed with Nuln oil as well and highlighted subtly in selected areas. The pouches were done using Guilliman flesh. 

Overall, it gives the marine the matt black (or off black) colour that I was after which readily distinguishes them from the Raven Guard component of the Shattered Legions whose black is much shinier. I will be painting the arms as distinct modules, and then gluing them all together for the final step. I also intend to airbrush the base with weathered brown colours similar to way I did with the Salamanders and Raven Guard to complete the look. 


  1. Don’t do it - I mean highlight every rivet, that way lies madness, there is about 200 rivets on every Marine.... I know!

  2. whoops ... might be too late for me (eek!) I think I will do the front plate rivets, but leave most of the others on the rear.

  3. I good looking Iron Hands scheme. Can't wait to see the squad. If you do paint all the rivets, consider dulling them down with nuln oil or something...I personally find too many shiny dots on the armor a bit distracting...but that's just an observation. You do you! :) he look great.
