Saturday, September 21, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Divisio Assassinorum Rules

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2/5 stars. I want to like the assassins in 30k a whole lot. Unfortunately, they don't live up to their points cost, nor are they available to traitors in the same form.

Clade Operatives.
The first special rule sees these assassins take up a HQ slot in an army that generally must also be of the Loyalist allegiance. Although this makes sense, the traitor players have little to go for here. Moreover, the HQ slot is already over-subscribed, so the assassins need to earn their keep - which they generally do not sadly. They also become distrusted allies which is not fantastic, but demonstrably fluffy. 

Advanced Reaction: Tactical Displacement.
The advanced reaction of the assassins is very similar to the Alpha Legion rules, but on steroids. In the shooting phase, the assassin can move up to 2xI when this is triggered - and it can be triggered once every shooting phase rather than once per game. This is great, and can move the unit out of range of shooting! Of course, there may well be more than one unit firing their way. 

Even though they have infiltrate and scout, each assassin is points cost intensive, force organization chart slot intensive (they are also a support squad), and frankly very squishy. They need to get where they should be quickly and in once piece in order to do their special moves. And presumably get squished quickly thereafter. 

I want to like them. But unfortunately, I can't see them being played regularly outside of friendly competitions where the rule of cool applies. 

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