Friday, September 20, 2024

Forthcoming Plans for Reviews and Hobby

Welcome back!

In terms of plans for the next little while here on Warpstone Flux, these are the relative priorities.

We will be tackling the assassins next for the Horus Heresy second edition reviews. This will be followed by the contents of the Beta-Garmon book. I'll interleave some of the older "legacy" units as and when I can fit them into the schedule - I know a lot of people were keen to see me review those as well. 

I will be focussing on the World Eaters allied detachment that I have been planning for a long time. This was started before the break, but I want to get them wrapped up well before the year is out. Beyond that, there's some Iron Warriors that need rounding out, and I intend to "dabble" in some Black Shields. 

I'll be getting back to selling some items on eBay as well soon enough. Check them out when I get chance to list them. Selling older miniatures and parts I don't need helps me fund the next exciting projects and purchasing of the new codexes (ahem) Horus Heresy books!

More to come in due course!


  1. Could you update the summary and maybe make ones for admech, solar and such? I just started admech so I'm having a hard time going back and finding everything.

  2. Noted! I acknowledge that I'm behind on the summary page. Its on my list and I promise to get to it soon!
