Monday, August 12, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Cyclops Demolition Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. I want to like these a whole lot! I'm just a little torn and not sure quite where I sit with the star rating though!

A remote controlled explosive made for destroying buildings. Except its now in a war zone. And targeting enemy tanks, apex xenoform, and titans alike. Brought into position by a transport and then controlled by the Operator, these are literally deadly when played right.

I totally adore the concept here. I almost gave 5/5 stars just for the remote controlled aspect. There needs to be more of this in the game. It reminds me of Rogue Trader days to be very honest.

I digress. The S=10 hit with AP=1 and brutal means you are going to be causing a serious headache. This alone means it is worth taking.

The obvious counter point to what I just wrote is that the Cyclops unit explodes. Thus making it a literal one hit wonder. In turn, this makes the price tag questionable. But what the heck. Take them anyway. Rule of cool applies!

3 Cyclops and 1 Operator  (105 points).
Go all out here. Take a flying transport to get them where they need to be and use that remote control when you are ready. This is a unit that has so much potential! Of course, they're going to be targeted before they get into charge range, but you can hopefully take care of that with a bit of tactical acumen?

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