Thursday, May 30, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. The storm axes are very good!

This is where Horus might have otherwise trained or recruited from: this mortals are decapitation strike specialists and form the tip of the spear - the shock troops. 

The appeal here has to be the storm axes which give not only a solid (and needed) strength bonus, but also a vital AP2 along with murderous strike. Timed well, they can bring things down with ease. But you will probably want to have an opponent pinned before charging (or similar). There's some flexibility here in builds too, but if you're not taking the axes, then you might as well go big on volkite. 

T=3. Take the vox too due to Ld concerns. 

Veletaris Storm Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (120 points). 
Volkite death rays!

Veletaris Storm Section x20, Vox, Vexilla, 19 Storm Axes, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (295 points).
Maximum axes. Large points value that probably isn't worth it, so whittle down to 10-15 for a better bet perhaps. 

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