Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Solid enough. Dangerous with the right build at the right location at the right time.

This is where the elites of the army are to be found. Horus would happily have them on board his legion thanks to their speartip fighting techniques and preference for close combat. 

The volkite charger is a weapon that you can and should "go big" on - volkite almost demands this. 

The more interesting (and expensive) build is the ability to replace the charger with a power weapon. This gets expensive fast, but is well worth the cost! Take a transport and get into combat quickly. 

T=3. Ld is a concern in the absence of the Prime, so you will certainly feel the need for the Vox here. 

Veletaris Command Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (165 points). 
Can't go too wrong with this level of points cost. Take a vehicle and unleash volkite death rays. 

Veletaris Command Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, 9 Power Weapons, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (210 points).
Imagine power axes all round. Equally, some power mauls might be acceptable here too. Lances won't be as good, nor will power swords. 

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