Saturday, March 16, 2024

One Day Painting Challenge Outcome: Iron Hands Heavy Support Squad

It was a long day with lots of things in between the painting and drying cycles. But here is the final product! What do you think?

The painting recipe follows the standard approach that I take with Iron Hands. I don't want them glossy like the Raven Guard recipe that I use, so I have a black undercoat followed by Eshin Grey base coat. Then washes are applied with a combination of nuln oil and black. Highlights are in greys and the trim done in silver.

The decals come from a mixture of Alpha Legion (the "X" on some shoulder pads) as well as cogs from mechanicum decals which I think work well. I've even sneaked a Word Bearers decal on the top of the tank hatch that one of the marines is standing on just for flavour! Although the red eye lenses could do with more work, I am very pleased with this outcome overall! 

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