Saturday, March 16, 2024

One Day Painting Challenge: Iron Hands Heavy Support Squad

Welcome to the "One Day Painting Challenge" that I've challenged myself to complete! The idea is simple. Take a squad. Paint it up. And complete it in one day. The main issue with this kind of challenge is allowing sufficient drying times between layers to ensure the next one is nice and smooth. But let's get to the subject of the challenge itself. 

This is a Horus Heresy Iron Hands heavy support squad. I have assembled them with autocannons from the plastic kit upgrade range. The miniatures themselves contain a mixture of parts from Forge World resin Mk 3 armour, the same in plastic, Forge World Iron Hands upgrades (torsos, legs shoulder pad), and a single head from the character heads produced very recently for a bit of variation. The bases are custom with a lot of grit, some cork, a sawed in half tire, and spare tank bits. 

I want to go a bit beyond just the paint job. I want to also have time to apply decals in select places on the miniatures - although I completely lack the dedicated Iron Hands decals, so this might be interesting. Time for the undercoat!

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