Friday, January 19, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Vheren Ashurhaddon

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. While he has some peculiar rules, he is very good at what he does.

Vheren really didn't like it when the Sons of Horus were falling to the ruinous powers. He just wanted his legion back to being simple humble reavers and traitors - and to hell with warp spawn. So he chose to invade Cthonia and take it back for the greater glory! Aside from that, he perfected the reaving warfare technique that many would later aspire to and generally held the terrans of his legion in disdain.

The warlord trait is very interesting, but also kind of strange. When he allocates a wound to himself (not by the choice of the opponent) he gets to re-roll his invulnerable save. This makes him great as an ablative wound character (perhaps there's another character in the squad you want taking over from him?!) and potentially as a good soak for heavy incoming fire. But really. You don't want him doing this. With T=4 he might die outright. He also grants stubborn which is valuable.

His axe is basically an AP=2 weapon that swings at his initiative (I=5) which is amazing. His sidearm pistol has breaching on a 6+ which is nice and entertaining. His armour is 2+/4++ and seems to have an almost Alpha Legion effect of making him further away than you think he is when his unit is relatively small. 

As the first reaver, he unlocks a reaver squad as a retinue squad - take it. He can readily slay enemy characters in combat (and much else that he selects thanks to his precision strikes and all). 

Traitors only here. The really strange warlord trait is something that you probably don't want to activate too much to be honest. Perhaps against plasma guns where you won't die to instant death? But the real issue here is how to get him into position. He has a bunch of nice melee rules like precision shots and strikes, let alone counter attack. You're going to need transport. 

A great character for the Sons of Horus, and very fluffy for the re-taking of Cthonia. I can see he might get played outside of the Cthonia campaign, but there are other choices available - the Sons of Horus aren't short of character choices!