Saturday, January 20, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legiones Decurion Defensor

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. Nice enough, and a welcome addition to vehicles for second edition.

Some space marines have talents for long range fire power. Others like things up close and personal. This marine likes shooting things with pintle mounted weapons from the top of tanks and is an expert at it.

For a low points cost, you gain the point defence advanced reaction. This allows you to shoot back at a target that targets you for a charge or shooting attack. There are limitations. Only defensive weapons can fire, and pintle weapons. But you man gets double shots with the pintle weapon.

It is hard to choose what weapon load outs to give for the point defence. I'd suggest a multi melta in most cases, and probably defensive volkites? That said, the heavy bolter is exceptionally tempting given the sheer amount of shots that you get coupled with the range. My preference though is for the multi melta since the things shooting at you are probably going to be other vehicles. 

You can only choose to upgrade very specific units. I find this very odd ineed. Select between predators, sicaran squads (including punishers), and Kratos. 

A reasonable upgrade and cheap enough to afford in most lists running these units. 

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