Thursday, October 12, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. Solid enough troops for the points cost.

Upgraded and with lots of defensive kit to ensure that they survive, this Phalanx marches at the feet of titans and is specifically recruited to be an anti-infantry force. 

Stat wise, the only attraction here is BS=4, otherwise they're rather raw human mechanicum creatures. What sets them apart are the defensive capabilities. They come with a standard 5+ invulnerable save, feel no pain, and the ability to re-roll 1's. But the Kyropatris field generator is where the action is at. They reduce the strength of incoming fire by 1 when there are 10 or more models on the field. This is strong and ultimately means they will be tougher to remove than an opponent might otherwise want to commit to. The arc lance is icing on the cake, and through the Axiarch, you have probably selected for preferred enemy as well. Nice.

You have to take them in large blobs to get the most out of them. Sadly they don't have the Line keyword either which really sucks, otherwise they'd be very good. 

Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx, 20 members, Alpha with radium pistol and rad grenades (265 points). 
Take an augury scanner to taste. I don't really like the idea of swapping out the arc lance for a power weapon as we lose the BS=4 ranged attack for a WS=3 melee, but it could be a nice deterrent. Whatever you decide, keep to 20 members to maximize the shield generators abilities. 

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