Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Secutarii Axiarch

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. The only HQ available, and not too bad either!

Selected from Secutarii who have recovered a fallen titan from the enemy, and other less obvious methods, these individuals are thoroughly "upgraded" to become war leaders. This means in turn that they can call upon all manner of battle data to optimise plans. 

The points cost is very attractive here, and there's really no need to go overboard with the upgrades either. The key rule is provided by Binaric Strategems which can grant other Secutarii special rules. To be honest, players will want to take preferred enemy of infantry out of all of the options to turn their forces from distinctly average meat shields into something with a bit more teeth.

The stat line here is reasonable with an impressive BS=5 and 3 wounds, along with A=3. They're like a space marine without artificer armour in many respects. They can also be played as such. 

With WS=4, you won't last long against the more elite of the various legions in melee, but you can pack a punch with the right units to help you out here. 

Axiarch, power fist, rad grenades (80 points).
A distinctly entry level build that can pack a good punch in close combat.

Axiarch, augury scanner, photon gauntlet (80 points).
A bit more of a ranged AP2 option?

Axiarch, arc lance and mag-inverter shield, rad grenades (85 points).
Take master crafted on the arc lance perhaps? Not sure. But this is a nice configuration as well. 

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