Sunday, July 23, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Thallax Cohort

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good! 

Cyborgs that have been produced only via grim dark trauma, the Thallax retain some of their original human individuality thanks to the brain being moderately preserved. However, they have replaced most of everything else in favour of becoming shock troops for the Mechanicum.

The Thallax will be the mainstay troops for this army. And they're rather good as well. The stat line is solid with T=5 and W=3 all round. They come with jump packs as standard which will encourage players to shoot and skip over the tabletop with annoying regularity. Worse for us Alpha Legion players is the fact that they have an exceptionally large infiltration exclusion zone in play. Drat. Add on to this that fact that they're line and have the tools to handle mobs, tougher annoyances, and vehicles to boot, and this is a serious unit to max out on. 

Ld=7 might be an issue on occasion, and the 4+ baseline save can often be negated. The WS=3 also means that this is a shooting unit first and foremost. Don't get caught in combat against terminators if you can avoid it. 

3 Thallax, Melta Bombs all round and 1 multi-melta (165 points).
For things that need to be melted and a bit of a melta-cide squad really.

6 Thallax, 2 Photon Thrusters (286 points).
I like the AP=2, not going to lie. The phased plasma fusil is a slightly cheaper option that you might also like as well. 

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