Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Scyllax Guardian-Automata Maniple

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. The rules are good and make for a tough addition to many army lists. 

If you drew a Venn diagram of cyborgs, robots, and servitors, then the Scyllax might sit at the intersection and be a bit mistrusted by large parts of the mechanicum for their icky origins. There are claims that over time they gain something of self-awareness despite their minimal organic components. Their purpose is as a Magi's bodyguards and a melee unit. 

The Scyllax Combat Array allows the player to choose between two modes. The first has shred at AP5, the second drops shred but amps up to S=7 and AP=2 at the price of being cumbersome and unweildy. This is a nice combination and can fit most circumstances. Adding to this is the rad furnace which reduces the T value of enemies locked against them which is splendid. 

They are a support choice, and the Ld is not fantastic, and with WS=3, they might struggle against enemy terminators. But when they do hit, they will be slaughtering their enemies and this makes for an attractive proposition without being totally outrageous. The kraken bolter is middle of the road, but can certainly make some headway against enemies as well. Overall then a worthwhile unit given the points cost and well worth taking, but not over-doing it with. I'd be tempted by some flamers to be honest.

4 Scyllax, 1 Flamer, 1 Graviton Gun (130 points)
I like this set up as the flamer can help deter charges (take more if desired) and the graviton gun synergizes nicely (as would the irad-cleanser). Take more models to taste to expand the special weapons and the kraken replacements as desired (I'd personally opt for a few flamers at most). 

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