Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Magos Dominus

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars rounded down. A solid - if not outstanding - lower tier HQ selection. 

The Magos Dominus fill a gap between the Archmagos Prime and the rest of the army / feuding states / technocracy. They are masters of the cybernetica and build the cortex automata for the Mechanicum. Some are at the very edge of heresy themselves thanks to all the body modifications that they put themselves through, and most are eccentrics and obsessive about their technologies.  

They come with a modest stat line and 2 wounds. The basic version has only a las pistol and a power weapon as well as a bunch of nicer special rules like feel no pain and firing protocols along with the Patris Cybernetica (which means you will want them to accompany some robots!). They can choose between Artificia Cybernetica (take this one) and two others that you probably shouldn't over-consider before choosing Artificia Cybernetica. As with the Archmagos, they have a good range of upgrades possible.

I note here that I won't be distinctly reviewing the Magos Dominus on Abeyant other than to note that the upgrade is worthwhile thanks to the boosting it gives to the stat line and the relatively minor losses to the special rules. 

WS=3 is very poor in this game and you need to think what you are doing with the character here. However, for the points cost, the character is highly efficient indeed which is why it gets the number of stars right at the top of this review!

Magos Dominus (Artificia Cybernetica), conversion beamer (100 points). 
Many people learn to love the back line conversion beamer, and in the Mechanicum army it can really shine alongside a unit of other back-liners.

Magos Dominus (Artificia Cybernetica), Graviton Gun, Servo Arm, Cyber Familiar (115 points).
Slightly more of an all-rounder build to go along with robots. I like the irad-cleanser as well for the weapon choice. 

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