Thursday, March 2, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Fire Raptor Gunship

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. The rules are okay, but I find the points cost too high for what it can achieve and its vulnerability. 

A storm eagle, but sacrificing carrying capacity for more guns! The background fluff here notes that they were great against the Ork hordes that plagued a variety of worlds, and the same would be true in 30k if the Orks had a codex or army book equivalent here.

With a movement rate of 18 (and flyer and hover) this is a zippy gunship able to deliver firepower where it is needed.

The firepower itself would be average if it were not for the AP=3. This pushes it into the range of being very worthy to be considered and it is ideal in some ways to mop up lonely power armoured space marines on the field of battle. I like the gravis autocannons over the heavy bolter batteries for the rending.

This suffers from the same weaknesses many fliers do: they are prime targets to be knocked out of the skies in the early turns. Armour values of 12 all round are okay and all, but any ground unit able to accurately fire at such gunships will find it simple enough to destroy them. Then there is the price tag. Its just too expensive to be thinking about over other choices in the already crammed heavy support slot. It does have the "rule of cool" going for it though, which is why it gets the number of stars it has from me. 

Fire Raptor, Autocannon Sponsons, Hellstrike Missiles (315 points).
Great fire power and threats - just be sure to fire everything on turn 1. Remove the missiles to gain some points back. Likelihood is that it won't survive the battle though. 

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