Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hobby: Iron Warriors Heavy Support Squad

A squad of five Iron Warriors heavy support squad, all armed with las cannons. One of the great benefits in game that the Iron Warriors get is an extra strength point when shooting against vehicles and similar. This is a very strong boon and one that really cannot be overlooked for this legion. Indeed, its almost worth taking an allied detachment of Iron Warriors just for the heavy support squad to help out with shooting against vehicles. Might just do that with my Alpha Legion?

Painting for this squad follows the standard pattern for the Iron Warriors Legion. The lead belcher undercoat is supplemented with more of the same and a dip with Nuln Oil to create a worn look. Both shoulder pads and parts of the back pack are picked out in matte black. Of course, the inevitable hazard stripes are included on some shins and shoulders too. A selection of chipping has been added around the edges of the armour to suggest a used look. 

The sergeant is a bit of a unique case in terms of the helm - the others are a brighter silver as might be expected. Instead, the sergeant has a black helmet with a strip of yellow and black down the centreline. This follows the official artwork in the books for the Iron Warriors and I'm happy with this. Completing the look are some decals scattered around the shoulders where I could sneak them in beneath the cannons and on some shins as well. To tie them to the rest of the detachment, the base is done with the usual technical citadel provisions and highlighted with Eldar Flesh. 

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