Saturday, February 18, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Sicaran Omega Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. The rules are good, but the points cost is heavy.

The Omega is designed to quickly intercept the more lumbering siege tanks of enemies. But the real beauty of it in the background was the ease of production that saw "lesser" forge worlds like those directly attached to the space marine legions being able to rapidly produce them. 

There are two modes of fire for the primary Omega plasma array. The first is sustained fire which is Heavy 8 and S=7. This is impressive and it comes with breaching plus twin linked. Honestly, this is amazing, but the AP won't bother terminators. The second is only heavy 2, but switches this up for S=9 with rending and the plasma burn rule along with getting hot. Combined, these modes can take on and pose a threat to almost anything with an armour value on the tabletop. 

With AP=4, this tank is not a threat to terminators except by rate of high strength fire in the sustained mode. Better off with literal plasma blast templates if that was your original thought. I am a bit torn on the points cost of this vehicle as well. I'd like to have better armour if I'm honest for the kinds of points cost that is being paid. For this reason, its getting a middling number of stars from me. I honestly wouldn't include it in my army lists as it is too high of a risk even though I've witnessed it turn around games for other players. I guess your mileage may vary? 

Sicaran, Omega Plasma Array, Sponson Lascannons, One hunter-killer missile, Searchlights (250 points).
Rapidly deployed and able to get in range with all the weapons no problem. You will probably only have one turn in which to fire this tank before it comes under enemy suppression. Make it count.

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