Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Scorpius Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are average. 

A Whirlwind tank under any other name - and rightly acknowledged in the background fluff for 30k. Here the Scorpius is designated as one such whirlwind tank specifically designed at the instigation of the Space Wolves in order to combat a particular strain of xenos. Regardless of the name, these tanks fire a high rate of missiles. 

Do you like the idea of lots of missiles raining down on your enemy? Then the whirlwind (or scorpius) is for you. You get a large S=8 pie plate that gains pinning and rending if you are stationary. It does have barrage as well which is nice.

The real strength to my mind is the late game. I've seen people use these to "mop up" the remains of enemy units that have otherwise destroyed a player's forces and therefore tilted the game back in their favour. Of course, there's no guarantees here at all. 

I think Heavy 1 kind of sucks here. But that's life. I am not a great fan of this tank, but it can and does have its role - most obviously against non-space marine armies. I'm still not quite convinced of the points cost though and its not a tank for me personally. But hey. Your mileage may vary. 

Scorpius with Dozer Blade (125 points)
Sort of basic, and in some scenarios the dozer blade is not strictly needed.

Scorpius with pintle mounted havoc launcher, 1 hunter-killer missile, search lights (145 points)
A stationary backline tank. 


  1. I'm surprised that you rated this 3 stars. That S8 Rending 4+ is huge this edition, cancelling a lot of FNP and 2 wound models like Vets and Terminators. It's a great counter to a lot of the Heavy support squads of other armies, great addition for vehicle heavy lists to counteract the "parking lot" problem while sticking with the theme.

  2. I guess that I simply see the vindicator as better for a similar points cost. Obviously, your mileage may vary :)
