Monday, February 27, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Land Raider Spartan

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. Iconic and strong. Yet remains fluffy and an all round acceptable choice for most players. 

Less common than other land raiders thanks to the expense of production, the Spartan nonetheless sees extensive use in all legions. In essence, it is a large transport carrier, while retaining all the benefits of a land raider's ranged arsenal. 

No less carrying capacity than a whopping 26. Simply amazing. Plus it has all the original land raider benefits that include but are not limited to armour values of 14 all round, being an assault vehicle, las cannon sponsons, and here it also has a great 6 hull points. The laser destroyer upgrade (for free) can give AP=1 and change to ordnance which might be a nice idea once in a while. I tend to prefer the original las cannon arrays simply for the extra range.

Players will regularly want to upgrade it with a flare shield as well to make it even more survivable. Although rude, I think that players need to expect this, or in casual games tell your opponent in advance and be nice about it. 

None really. Hence it gets a full 5/5 stars from me. 

Spartan, Lascannon Array Sponsons, Flare Shield (400 points).
This is the build that every army needs to keep in the back of their minds when list building. You need a way to deal with this. 

Spartan, Laser Destroyer Sponson, Hull (Front) Mounted lascannon, Pintle mounted multi-melta, Flare Shield (445 points). 
A bit of a maxed out build. The front las cannons make up in terms of range for the sponsons shorter range. The multi melta is in the regime of "why not". Take a hunter-killer missile to taste?


  1. Personally I find that the laser destroyers are worthless. This is due to the wording of firing Ordnance weapons on the move (e.g. you can fire only one weapon at full BS if you move)...of course, if this gets fixed through an errata they would become the first choice of weaponry...still a 5/5 regardless!!

  2. Oh yes - I'd forgotten about that detail! You are absolutely right. I am still going to give a 5/5 though as it is an iconic entry for the game and regularly encountered. Totally worth the points!

  3. this is why the Good Lord gave us fast moving Snipers such as the Sabre (neutron blaster), Venetor and Cerberus (also comes with a Flare Shield)tanks. For DA players they get to upgrade them with the Scion of the Ironwing which essentially means that if you miss there's an even chance you'll get to reroll
