Monday, January 16, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Space Wolves Traits

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. The rules are good overall.

Warlord Traits.
We are going to deal with the Warlord Traits distinctly from the Rites of War for the Space Wolves due to the increased number of Rites compared to other legions in a break from tradition. 

The Space Wolves have three warlord traits to decided between. 

Howl of Morkai. I find this one very interesting, albeit situational. The army gains S+1 for a successful charge. This is amazingly strong, but needs to be played at the right moment (probably turn 3 ish, but maybe turn 2). The bonus movement reaction strongly aids with getting at least some units into position early. 

Hunger of the Void. Gain a wound back when you inflict a wound, or alternative S+1 and A+1 for one turn if you are at full wounds. Not very inspiring, and might be more suited to Blood Angels in my own biased opinion since this one feels very vampiric!

Crown Breaker. If players don't quite fancy the situational Howl of Morkai, then Crown Breaker will no doubt be the default choice (I favour the Howl myself, but that's just me). The warlord and his unit gain preferred enemy and can also gain feel no pain if their enemy has an independent character. This is good, and the movement reaction icing on the cake. At least this one is not situational and happens all the time.

I don't like Hunger of the Void much either from a fluff or a rules points of view. The other two are solid, and in the right hands I can't help but feel that Howl of Morkai can be game changing. 

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